Not sure if you're an admin of a Facebook page? We'll show you how to find out, so you can connect it smoothly to your Vista Social account!
In this article, we'll guide you on how to figure out your page permissions:
New Facebook page experience
If you've been granted access to a particular Facebook Page, you can easily check your role and permissions directly on Facebook.
Here's how to check your Page access on Facebook:
1. Log in to your Facebook account.
2. Click on your profile photo located in the upper right corner then select "See all profiles".
3. Pick the specific Page you wish to switch to.
4. Navigate to the left menu and click on your Page's name.
5. Under the Page's cover photo, click "Manage," then choose "Page access" from the left-hand menu.
6. Click on your name to review your access.
If you see "This person has full control" on the "View Access" screen, then you're an admin! You should be able to connect your Facebook page to Vista Social.
Meta Business Suite
If you're using Meta Business Suite to manage your pages, you can also check your page access by going to Settings → Users → People. You should make sure you have full control or access.
Note: If you're not currently an admin, the owner or another admin of the page must add you as an admin so you can connect your Facebook page to Vista Social using your own Facebook account. |
Need further help?
If you have any questions or need additional help, feel free to contact our awesome support team. We are here to assist you! 💙
Related Reading:
Connecting Facebook Page to Vista Social
There are no Facebook pages associated with this Facebook account
Connecting Facebook Group to Vista Social
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