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Want to save some time on social media? We know how important it is to stay organized and efficient when scheduling your content. 🕰️ 🎉
That's why our Publishing Queues feature comes in handy to help schedule your content more quickly! A publishing queue is a feature that enables users to schedule and organize their social media posts in advance. Essentially, it is a list of time slots on any day of the week, that has been set up for when users want to publish their posts.
Once you have created the queue, the system will automatically schedule your posts to be published at those specific slots.
In this article, we’ll review:
- What do you need Publishing Queues for?
- Setting up Publishing Queues for a profile
- Using Queue Labels to setup multiple queues per profile
- Schedule a post using Publishing Queues
🎥 Video Guide
Why do people need it?
Publishing queues let users pre-plan the schedule for their social media posts. This planning could indeed be based on their understanding of when their followers are online. This planning can also be based on optimal time analysis, ensuring that posts are published at the most optimal times for their target audience. Learn more about our optimal time analysis feature here.
By using a publishing queue, users can save time and streamline their social media workflow while the platform automatically schedules the posts, depending on which timeslot the user wants them to go. It's super easy!
Setting up Publishing Queues for a Profile
Here's how you set up a profile’s Publishing Queue:
- Go to Settings > Publishing Settings > Publishing Queues.
- Choose the profile group and then the social profile that you want to set up the publishing queue for.
- Click "Add a slot" and select the days and times you want your content to be posted. These slots allow you to post at a specific date and time according to the strategy that you are already using. You can also add queue labels to each timeslot. Once you're done, don't forget to click "Save"!
- If you want to add more time slots, click "Add a slot" again and pick another time and day until you're happy with it.
- To remove unwanted time slots, hover over each of them and simply click on the red trash can icon that will appear on the right side.
Using Queue Labels to Setup Multiple Queues per Profile
Are you struggling to keep track of all your social media content? Managing multiple queues can be overwhelming, especially when you need to post different types of content at different times. But what if there was a simple solution? ✨ Enter queue labels. ✨
By labeling your publishing queues based on topics or time slots, you can easily organize and schedule your posts without any confusion. Whether it's content for weekdays or weekends, for specific campaigns, types of content, or any other relevant categories, queue labels have got you covered!
There are 2 ways to set up queue labels:
- Create a new slot and label it: On your Publishing Queues settings, click "Add a slot".
Choose the time for this new slot and the corresponding days of the week. You can then click “Select labels” and either apply an existing label or create a new one by typing it in. Don't forget to click "Save"!
- Add a label to an existing time slot: Hover your mouse over to the time slot that you want to label. Click the pencil icon to edit the time slot and add a queue label.
Click “Select labels” and either apply an existing label or type in a new one. Don't forget to click "Save"!
Schedule a Post using Publishing Queues
- Click Create to get to the content scheduling window, then type in your content + link or media.
- Once your post is ready, click on the "Add to queue" option located on the bottom right of the publisher, then click “Next”.
- On the next screen, you will be given two options:
- 'Queue next' will add this post to the front of your queue and any existing queued posts will be pushed forward to make room.
- 'Queue last' will add this post to the end of your queue
- Under these options, select the queue label that you want to schedule this post with. This will help you organize your content and schedule it for the right time and day.
Note: If you're posting to multiple profiles and any of those profiles don't have the specific queue label, then the system will automatically use the default queue instead. |
- Once you have selected your queue labels, click "Schedule" and your post will be scheduled according to the publishing queue you’ve created.
Related Reading:
Find out which posts are in a profile's publishing queue
Scheduling content using the Vista Social Chrome Extension
Scheduling content using the Vista Social Firefox Extension
Optimal time: find the best time to publish on social
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